13 Powerful Quotes From Meghan Markle’s GirlUp Speech

July 21, 2020 – Last week, Meghan Markle delivered her most powerful speech to date at the GirlUp Virtual Summit – if you have not already checked it out, be sure to click here to see the entire video. Markle’s keynote address was wonderfully-overflowing with quotable moments. We wanted to make sure you didn’t miss a single one so we decided to share our favorites below, enjoy!

1. “I know all of you, at a younger age than any modern comparison, are setting the tone for an equitable humanity, not figuratively, literally.”


2. “Women have always historically gotten a lot of “thatâ€s not how itâ€s done,” “yeah, thatâ€s a good idea but weâ€re going to do this instead.” But when do we hear that as women? We hear that in the moments that we challenge the norms.”


3. “Keep pushing. Make them a little uncomfortable because itâ€s only in that discomfort that we actually create the conditions to reimagine our standards, our policies, and our leadership—to move toward real representation and meaningful influence over the structures of decision-making and power.”


4. “Your generation is often referred to as the digital natives. And you understand that our online world has the power to affirm and support as much as it does to harm.”


5. “…weâ€re not meant to be breaking each other down…build each other up, support each other.”


6. “…your voices are those of truth and hope, and your voices can and should be much louder.”


7. “Believing in true equality is not enough. Itâ€s going to take more than belief.”


8. “…we have to speak up for ourselves and we have to speak out for others who struggle to be heard”


9. “Compassion means seeing the pain and suffering of others and knowing that itâ€s our duty to help relieve it.”


10. “Believe in what makes you unique and donâ€t be afraid to do what you know is right even when itâ€s not popular…”


11. “You have rooted in your conditions the ability to craft a world that you know is just and kind. “


12. “The hardest part, and it was the hardest part for me, is to chase your convictions with action.”


13. “Please continue to honor the convictions and the compassion thatâ€s awoken within you.”


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